Monday, September 2, 2013

The Night Before

Part of me feels as excited as on Christmas Eve, another as if I have a huge test tomorrow. And that is's the night before school starts!

My Cooperating Teacher (CT) says that she barely sleeps the night before. I imagine that tonight will be the same for me. Back to School time has always been exciting for me (backpacks! school supplies! schedules!) but now being on the side of a teacher is an entirely new feeling of anticipation.

I've tossed the idea around in my head of starting my own blog, and since tomorrow marks the first day in my teaching journey I feel like there's no better time to start. For the past year, I have spent countless hours on teacher blogs...I like to think of it as doing my homework ;) I am SO excited to start being part of the online teaching community I've been lurking in at a distance.

I hope that with time (and experience), this blog will grow to be something that I can inspire others with as well as keep a record of my teaching and learning :)

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with blogging AND student teaching!
