Thursday, October 17, 2013

Blogging and Growth

I keep putting off blogging, which is not going to do myself any favors in the long run! The perfectionist part of me wants to wait until I have something noteworthy to say, or a product to share...but the idea behind this blog is about my growth so I need to remember to post along the way. Formative assessment for myself, in a way ;)

I am so very inspired by the other teacher bloggers out there. Sometimes I get home from student teaching and barely have enough energy to move...yet here are all of these fabulous teachers making products and curriculum on top of everything else! So, I know it's possible...and I think once I have more of my own routine it will be probable for me.

I have started taking over the math and science parts of the curriculum, and within the next few weeks I will start on reading and writing as well. I have so so many ideas for reading and writing...what I really should do is write them here so I don't forget!
I want to make their independent reading more purposeful, and work on more comprehension mini lessons. I'd like to be more purposeful about the workshop format for reading, writing, and math.

I've been using many ideas I find online and adapting them for my own content, such as Scoot and I Have, Who Has? I'm trying to always remember that kids need to be moving and interacting, so this using small groups and rotating even when doing workbook-type math.
Of course, it's a work in progress. It always will be, won't it? Lessons could always be better, more engaging, more authentic.

My mantra for the upcoming weeks needs to be:

"Do the best you can, with what you have, where you are". (Theodore Roosevelt)

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